Confessions of a Ginger Pudding (EBOEK)

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Format: EPUB
Publish date: 2021-01-09
When Arnelia moves to a new town in the middle of the year, she decides to recreate herself. New town. New school. Operation new Arnelia. She can be the mysterious, worldly New Girl. But within days, everyone sees right through her fake new persona. And guess what, a couple of kids actually like the real Arnelia. Like Dewald Fourie, whose crooked smile does weird things to her heart. She becomes the brain behind the school’s exciting new food truck and for a while life is sweeter than a chocolate brownie. But nothing good lasts forever. Especially if you’re
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Publish Date 09 Jan. 2021
Format EPUB
Skrywer Zelda Bezuidenhout
Taal Engels
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