Beskikbaarheid: In voorraad
Format: Sagteband
Publish date: 2020-10-01
The Maths Handbook & Study Guide is a comprehensive reference book and set of notes that covers everything in one book. The book is written in a clear, simple, visual and logical manner. The colour coding facilitates explanations, definitions, formulas, recaps of previous work, hints and ideas. It is easy to read, easy to understand and it is easy to apply what has been learnt. It works in conjunction with all other Maths books. It is a welcome addition to the Handbook and Study Guide series. The Maths Handbook and Study Guide demystifies Maths and helps students to reach their potential in this challenging subject. The sub-title of the book is ‘Maths Made Easy’ and this is what it aims to do. Kevin ensures that his work is up to date at all times and that it is suitable for IEB and National Curriculum students. There are exercises in the front of the book and solutions to problems at the back. TABLE OF CONTENTS Number Relationships and Algebraic Expressions, Manipulation of Algebraic Expressions, Exponents, Number Patterns, Equations and Inequalities, Trigonometry, Functions, Geometry, Financial Mathematics, Statistics, Shape and Measurement, Probability, Making the Most of Maths, Glossary, Exercises, CAPS Documentation. THE AUTHOR Kevin Smith is a young electrical engineer who is passionate about education, specifically Maths and Science. He has been giving extra lessons in Maths and Science for the past eight years and is the founder of The Lab Maths and Science Academy, which is attended by students across Johannesburg.
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Publish Date 01 Okt. 2020
Format Sagteband
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