How to Hide Inside a Three (EBOEK)

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Format: EPUB
Publish date: 2023-08-07
It’s 2017 in Cape Town. The dams are empty. There’s a gangster in charge of the country. Leigh-Anne may look like she’s keeping it together in her Southern Suburbs world, but really she’s unravelling. A letter has arrived from her ageing dad, asking forgiveness for some unknown sordid deed. Then there’s the tortuous sex with her psychiatrist husband Samuel and her crush on her colleague Omar. Inexplicably, one of her kids is wetting the bed while the other one’s turning into a little tyrant. Meanwhile, Leigh-Anne’s supposed to be organising a play about sexual abuse with grade sevens in Gugulethu. It’s not going very well. How is a woman supposed to cope? With chocolate and wine of course; and by making plenty of lists. But all is not what it seems. Leigh-Anne has a secret of her own. In her quest for answers, she will have to betray everyone she loves; only then can she truly come out of hiding.
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Publish Date 07 Aug. 2023
Format EPUB
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